Pastoral Care
Excellence in Pastoral Care
In Lismore College each student's safety and welfare is always of paramount importance. We pride ourselves on the quality of our child-centred pastoral care for all students by creating a caring, supportive and nurturing school environment that addresses each student's well-being. A key priority is ensuring we foster positive relationships based on our college’s core values of Respect, Kindness, Hope, Commitment and Honesty.

Our excellent pastoral care team is proactive in understanding the individual needs and challenges of our students by fostering a culture of active listening and open communication which empowers our students to develop holistically.
Effective pastoral care underpins our school life and alongside our promoting positive behaviour policy we encourage and support each student to achieve their full potential. Lismore College is an All- Inclusive school in which all students are valued for their unique contributions, abilities, and achievements. We promote diversity, acceptance and a sense of belonging for everyone in our College community.
Our Pastoral structure supports our caring child-centred ethos where every member of staff has a responsibility to ensure each student feels safe and gets the maximum benefit from their time in school. Each student will have a dedicated Form Teacher who will have a detailed knowledge of their individual needs, aspirations, interests and academic progress and will work with teachers, parents/carers and external organisations in supporting their learning and development. The Head of Year, supported by the Key Stage Leader, oversees the general welfare of all students in the year group. We also provide a Peer Mentoring Scheme which provides additional support for Year 8 students making the transition from primary to post-primary education.
Lismore emphasises the importance of a strong link between home and school in order to help ensure full attendance, completion of homework and revision for assessments. The pastoral team encourages parents/carers to communicate effectively with school to help support their child reaching their full potential.
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Lismore College has a primary responsibility for the care, welfare and safety of all in our care. The aim of the safeguarding and child protection policy is to protect our students by ensuring that everyone has clear guidance on the detection and management of situation where abuse or neglect of a child are suspected or disclosed.The central principle that pour staff support is that every child has the fundamental right to be safe from harm and to have proper care given to their physical. emotional and spiritual well-being.
Lismore is completely opposed to bullying and will not tolerate any form of bullying behaviour. It is entirely contrary to our values and ethos as a caring community and is unequivocally rejected by all members of our staff. Our Anti-Bullying policy is integral to our policy of Pastoral Care and it is firmly embedded in our School Mission Statement and School Aims and Objectives.
We fully support the Addressing Bullying in Schools Act (NI) 2016.
School Counselling
All students in Lismore College have access to a school counsellor who can support them with any difficult or challenging situation they may face. Students may access a counsellor through drop-in sessions, self-referral or speaking to a member of the pastoral team.